Mark 1:1 -- Preaching of John the Baptist
Mark 1:9 -- The Baptism of Jesus
Mark 1:14 -- Jesus Preaches in Galilee
Mark 1:29 -- Crowds Healed
Mark 2:1 -- The Paralytic Healed
Mark 2:14 -- Levi (Matthew) Called
Mark 2:23 -- Question of the Sabbath
Mark 3:1 -- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Mark 3:13 -- The Twelve Are Chosen
Mark 4:1 -- Parable of the Sower and Soils
Mark 4:13 -- Explanation
Mark 4:26 -- Parable of the Seed
Mark 4:30 -- Parable of the Mustard Seed
Mark 4:35 -- Jesus Stills the Sea
Mark 5:1 -- The Gerasene Demoniac
Mark 5:21 -- Miracles and Healing
Mark 6:1 -- Teaching at Nazareth
Mark 6:7 -- The Twelve Sent Out
Mark 6:14 -- John's Fate Recalled
Mark 6:33 -- Five Thousand Fed
Mark 6:45 -- Jesus Walks on the Water
Mark 6:53 -- Healing at Gennesaret
Mark 7:1 -- Followers of Tradition
Mark 7:14 -- The Heart of Man
Mark 7:24 -- The Syrophoenician Woman
Mark 8:1 -- Four Thousand Fed
Mark 8:27 -- Peter's Confession of Christ
Mark 9:1 -- The Transfiguration
Mark 9:14 -- All Things Possible
Mark 9:30 -- Death and Resurrection Foretold
Mark 9:38 -- Dire Warnings
Mark 10:1 -- Jesus' Teaching about Divorce
Mark 10:13 -- Jesus Blesses Little Children
Mark 10:17 -- The Rich Young Ruler
Mark 10:32 -- Jesus' Sufferings Foretold
Mark 10:46 -- Bartimaeus Receives His Sight
Mark 11:1 -- The Triumphal Entry
Mark 11:15 -- Jesus Drives Money Changers from the Temple
Mark 11:27 -- Jesus' Authority Questioned
Mark 12:1 -- Parable of the Vine-growers
Mark 12:13 -- Jesus Answers the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes
Mark 12:41 -- The Widow's Mite
Mark 13:1 -- Things to Come
Mark 13:24 -- The Return of Christ
Mark 14:1 -- Death Plot and Anointing
Mark 14:12 -- The Last Passover
Mark 14:22 -- The Lord's Supper
Mark 14:32 -- Jesus in Gethsemane
Mark 14:43 -- Betrayal and Arrest
Mark 14:53 -- Jesus before His Accusers
Mark 14:66 -- Peter's Denials
Mark 15:1 -- Jesus before Pilate
Mark 15:16 -- Jesus Is Mocked
Mark 15:22 -- The Crucifixion
Mark 15:42 -- Jesus Is Buried
Mark 16:1 -- The Resurrection
Mark 16:14 -- The Disciples Commissioned