Luke 1:1 -- Introduction
Luke 1:5 -- Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
Luke 1:26 -- Jesus' Birth Foretold
Luke 1:39 -- Mary Visits Elizabeth
Luke 1:46 -- The Magnificat
Luke 1:57 -- John Is Born
Luke 1:67 -- Zacharias's Prophecy
Luke 2:1 -- Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem
Luke 2:21 -- Jesus Presented at the Temple
Luke 2:39 -- Return to Nazareth
Luke 2:41 -- Visit to Jerusalem
Luke 3:1 -- John the Baptist Preaches
Luke 3:21 -- Jesus Is Baptized
Luke 3:23 -- Genealogy of Jesus
Luke 4:1 -- The Temptation of Jesus
Luke 4:14 -- Jesus' Public Ministry
Luke 4:38 -- Many Are Healed
Luke 5:1 -- The First Disciples
Luke 5:12 -- The Leper and the Paralytic
Luke 5:27 -- Call of Levi (Matthew)
Luke 6:1 -- Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
Luke 6:12 -- Choosing the Twelve
Luke 6:20 -- The Beatitudes
Luke 6:46 -- Builders and Foundations
Luke 7:1 -- Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant
Luke 7:18 -- A Deputation from John
Luke 7:40 -- Parable of Two Debtors
Luke 8:1 -- Ministering Women
Luke 8:4 -- Parable of the Sower
Luke 8:16 -- Parable of the Lamp
Luke 8:22 -- Jesus Stills the Sea
Luke 8:26 -- The Demoniac Cured
Luke 8:40 -- Miracles of Healing
Luke 9:1 -- Ministry of the Twelve
Luke 9:12 -- Five Thousand Fed
Luke 9:28 -- The Transfiguration
Luke 9:46 -- The Test of Greatness
Luke 9:57 -- Exacting Discipleship
Luke 10:1 -- The Seventy Sent Out
Luke 10:17 -- The Happy Results
Luke 10:30 -- The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:38 -- Martha and Mary
Luke 11:1 -- Instruction about Prayer
Luke 11:14 -- Pharisees' Blasphemy
Luke 11:29 -- The Sign of Jonah
Luke 11:37 -- Woes upon the Pharisees
Luke 12:1 -- God Knows and Cares
Luke 12:13 -- Covetousness Denounced
Luke 12:35 -- Be in Readiness
Luke 12:49 -- Christ Divides Men
Luke 13:1 -- Call to Repent
Luke 13:10 -- Healing on the Sabbath
Luke 13:18 -- Parables of Mustard Seed and Leaven
Luke 13:22 -- Teaching in the Villages
Luke 14:1 -- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Luke 14:7 -- Parable of the Guests
Luke 14:16 -- Parable of the Dinner
Luke 14:25 -- Discipleship Tested
Luke 15:1 -- The Lost Sheep
Luke 15:8 -- The Lost Coin
Luke 15:11 -- The Prodigal Son
Luke 16:1 -- The Unrighteous Steward
Luke 16:19 -- The Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 17:1 -- Instructions
Luke 17:11 -- Ten Lepers Cleansed
Luke 17:22 -- Second Coming Foretold
Luke 18:1 -- Parables on Prayer
Luke 18:9 -- The Pharisee and the Publican
Luke 18:18 -- The Rich Young Ruler
Luke 18:35 -- Bartimaeus Receives Sight
Luke 19:1 -- Zaccheus Converted
Luke 19:11 -- Parable of Money Usage
Luke 19:28 -- Triumphal Entry
Luke 19:45 -- Traders Driven from the Temple
Luke 20:1 -- Jesus' Authority Questioned
Luke 20:9 -- Parable of the Vine-growers
Luke 20:19 -- Tribute to Caesar
Luke 20:27 -- Is There a Resurrection?
Luke 21:1 -- The Widow's Gift
Luke 21:10 -- Things to Come
Luke 21:25 -- The Return of Christ
Luke 22:1 -- Preparing the Passover
Luke 22:14 -- The Lord's Supper
Luke 22:24 -- Who Is Greatest
Luke 22:39 -- The Garden of Gethsemane
Luke 22:47 -- Jesus Betrayed by Judas
Luke 22:54 -- Jesus' Arrest
Luke 22:66 -- Jesus before the Sanhedrin
Luke 23:1 -- Jesus before Pilate
Luke 23:8 -- Jesus before Herod
Luke 23:13 -- Pilate Seeks Jesus' Release
Luke 23:26 -- Simon Bears the Cross
Luke 23:33 -- The Crucifixion
Luke 23:50 -- Jesus Is Buried
Luke 24:1 -- The Resurrection
Luke 24:13 -- The Road to Emmaus
Luke 24:36 -- Other Appearances
Luke 24:50 -- The Ascension