Judges 1:1 -- Jerusalem Is Captured
Judges 1:11 -- Capture of Other Cities
Judges 1:27 -- Places Not Conquered
Judges 2:1 -- Israel Rebuked
Judges 2:6 -- Joshua Dies
Judges 2:11 -- Israel Serves Baals
Judges 3:1 -- Idolatry Leads to Servitude
Judges 3:9 -- The First Judge Delivers Israel
Judges 3:15 -- Ehud Delivers from Moab
Judges 3:31 -- Shamgar Delivers from Philistines
Judges 4:1 -- Deborah and Barak Deliver from Canaanites
Judges 5:1 -- The Song of Deborah and Barak
Judges 6:1 -- Israel Oppressed by Midian
Judges 6:11 -- Gideon Is Visited
Judges 6:28 -- The Altar of Baal Destroyed
Judges 6:36 -- Sign of the Fleece
Judges 7:1 -- Gideon's 300 Chosen Men
Judges 7:19 -- Confusion of the Enemy
Judges 8:1 -- Zebah and Zalmunna Routed
Judges 8:28 -- Forty Years of Peace
Judges 9:1 -- Abimelech's Conspiracy
Judges 9:22 -- Shechem and Abimelech Fall
Judges 10:1 -- Oppression of Philistines and Ammonites
Judges 11:1 -- Jephthah the Ninth Judge
Judges 11:29 -- Jephthah's Tragic Vow
Judges 12:1 -- Jephthah and His Successors
Judges 13:1 -- Philistines Oppress Again
Judges 14:1 -- Samson's Marriage
Judges 14:12 -- Samson's Riddle
Judges 15:1 -- Samson Burns Philistine Crops
Judges 16:1 -- Samson's Weakness
Judges 16:15 -- Delilah Extracts His Secret
Judges 16:28 -- Samson Is Avenged
Judges 17:1 -- Micah's Idolatry
Judges 18:1 -- Danites Seek Territory
Judges 18:14 -- Danites Take Micah's Idols
Judges 19:1 -- A Levite's Concubine Degraded
Judges 20:1 -- Resolve to Punish the Guilty
Judges 20:18 -- Civil War, Benjamin Defeated
Judges 21:1 -- Mourning Lost Tribe
Judges 21:8 -- Provision for Their Survival