Hosea 1:1 -- Hosea's Wife and Children
Hosea 2:1 -- Israel's Unfaithfulness Condemned
Hosea 2:14 -- Restoration of Israel
Hosea 3:1 -- Hosea's Second Symbolic Marriage
Hosea 4:1 -- God's Controversy with Israel
Hosea 5:1 -- The People's Apostasy Rebuked
Hosea 6:1 -- The Response to God's Rebuke
Hosea 7:1 -- Ephraim's Iniquity
Hosea 8:1 -- Israel Reaps the Whirlwind
Hosea 9:1 -- Ephraim Punished
Hosea 10:1 -- Retribution for Israel's Sin
Hosea 11:1 -- God Yearns over His People
Hosea 12:1 -- Ephraim Reminded
Hosea 13:1 -- Ephraim's Idolatry
Hosea 14:1 -- Israel's Future Blessing